Celebrate World Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day

World Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day
Cerebral palsy is a group of permanent disorders of movement and posture causing activity limitation that are attributed to non-progressive disturbances in the developing foetal or infant brain. The motor disorders are often accompanied by disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition, communication and behavior as well as by epilepsy and secondary musculoskeletal problems.
Cerebral palsy is caused by a broad group of developmental, genetic, metabolic, ischaemic (majorly from obstetric complications, so can be prevented) and  infectious diseases.
Celebrate world cerebral palsy Awareness day by finding satisfaction in everyone not based on what you pictured they should be but by who they are. They may have some disabilities but they are able to do something. Don’t capitalize on the disabilities and overlook their abilities.
Would you let someone with cerebral palsy make a mark in the tides of time? Or would you continue to lock them inside the house and think they are less than humans?
History has recorded a great number of people with cerebral palsy that broke bounds. Could you give that child a chance to express themselves in the way they can either speaking, writing with any of their limbs, gesturing whichever way they can. Could you allow them to be productive by taking time to learn their capacities and finding a way to improve on them? They can become what you think is impossible for them.
Don’t attempt getting rid of them, don’t starve them .Believe in them.
Christopher Nolan, an Irish poet wrote wonderful poems but never delivered a single word because of this disability and also Famous David Ring who could speak, and became a motivational speaker that popularized ‘I have cerebral palsy…what’s your problem’
I can go on to mention John Quinn, a decorated United States’ Navy veteran, also Maysoon Zayid, first Palestinian famous comedian that played an active role in the struggle for the` freedom of her land. Haven’t you thought of Jerry Traylor that had ataxic cerebral palsy and remained crutches-bound but a great athlete that participated in 35 marathons and climbed 14,000 feet mountains on crutches. Please don’t even forget Thomas Ritter a great attorney of his time and we can go on and on.
 They deserve good life; they have emotions; search and find what is good for them until they are made. 

 By Chidimma Rhoda


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