Today November 9, 2017 is celebrated as World Freedom Day.

Today November 9, 2017 is celebrated as World Freedom Day.

Here at BrainWave, we wish to focus on what it really means to be free. Who is free? Free from what? Are there degrees of freedom? Is true freedom free or does it come at a price?

Freedom does not connote a freedom from responsibilities and duties.

‘’Emancipate yourself from mental slavery’’ – so sang late Bob Marley in the last century. I imagined he was especially speaking to blacks all around the world.

Look around at Nigeria and the condition of its peoples. Take a cursory glance at the headlines and commentaries on news channels and social media. What are the trending issues? What matters trouble the leaders – political, religious, traditional etc? What are the supposed elites, intellectuals and middle class obsessed with?

Maybe tithes? 2019? Cows? Politics without humanity? Or are we bothered at our retrogression more than half a century after supposed political freedom from the colonialists?

Are there genuine plans to develop our healthcare facilities or even educational opportunities?
How free is the Nigerian from mental slavery? How freely does the Nigerian use his God given mental and physical abilities? Does the Nigerian think enough? Is it true that the Nigerian prefers to have another ‘privileged’ person to think for him?

As we mark the World Freedom Day today, may we contemplate these posers? May we reflect on self-inflicted mental slavery?

''You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free'' - John 8:32.

Happy Freedom Day! Don’t wait before you lose it to appreciate it.


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